A biblically faithful, high quality, flexible and responsive professional safeguarding support service.

📍Check out our new Elearning modules. A journey through the DBS portal & our Domestic Abuse Training inc. signs of Coercive Controlling Behaviour.

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  • You have helped us to think about safeguarding in our own church context. Brilliant training , thank – you!

    - Cheshire Church -
  • Effective, diligent, knowledgable and adaptable

    - Samaritans Purse UK -
  • “ CSS are tipping the whole thing upside down, who have upped the game so far as service to churches is concerned, we wonder what we have been doing for so long without this. We look back and think, why weren’t we told this before because we could have done so much better in the past.”

    - Manchester Church -
  • Yesterday was really helpful, the feedback I've had from the other leaders said the same. I don't think they all realised everything involved and included under the Safeguarding banner. Thanks again for coming, the training is well put together.

    - Coventry Church -
  • We always thought local authorities were like “big brother”. You’ve helped us to understand why we need to have all these measures in place, never realised we needed risk assessments doing.

    - Derbyshire Church -

Why come to Christian Safeguarding Services for all your safeguarding needs?

“CSS are tipping the whole thing upside down, who have upped the game so far as service to churches is concerned, we wonder what we have been doing for so long without this. We look back and think, why weren’t we told this before because we could have done so much better in the past.” Manchester Church We partner with churches and other faith-based organisations to help them to think through their approach to safeguarding. We support and serve churches to help them to develop their policies, procedures, systems and the culture that’s needed to safeguard their congregations. We support churches and faith based organisations froma biblically faithful perspective and in a God-honouring way. We offer churches a very flexible approach to their safeguarding needs. Our DBS service is included within the gold paid membership package. We work professionally in the safeguarding field; we are also evangelical believers who are actively involved in church leadership. Our passion is to help churches and faith-based organisations think through this important theme from a biblical frame of reference. As an organisation, Christian Safeguarding Services provides services, advice, consultation and pastoral support to implement policies and processes and our support to churches is based upon evangelical principles.

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